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The Perfect Weight Loss Wardrobe

How to find clothes that fit well and look great right now

What does your closet look like? Along your weight loss journey, you may find your clothing options changing quickly. Perhaps your shelves are packed with clothes that fit before you started medical weight loss, baggy now after 20 pounds of positive progress, or maybe they hold once-beloved outfits that will be too tight until you lose a bit more weight.

Either way, the number of clothes that fit you right now may be the fewest in number, but are by far the most important. Regardless of how many pounds your Crawfordsville weight loss doctor ultimately helps you lose, you deserve to look your best today. Stop swimming in baggy clothes or squeezing into skinny ones—whether you’ve lost five pounds or 50, you can look great right now by accentuating your best qualities with some careful fashion choices.

Wearing clothes that fit well will be a big boost for your body image and self-esteem, letting you see the progress you’ve already made towards a healthy body. Here are a few tips for finding the perfect fit no matter what size you are.

Out with the Old…

If your closet is clogged up with clothes you haven’t worn in a year or more, it can make it tough to find the stuff that actually fits. Clean house by getting rid of anything you haven’t worn in a long time—you can sell gently used clothing to consignment stores for a little extra cash, donate them to a charity or bestow them on a lucky friend. Though keeping small sizes around can be motivating for some, don’t keep too-tight clothes around with the hopes of one day fitting into them again. When you do lose the weight, you deserve to buy yourself new clothes that will fit your slimmer form just right.

…In with the New!

Slipping into new, smaller clothes as you lose weight will show you that what you’re doing is working, while investing in some quality workout clothes can be the perfect way to get yourself to exercise. Find some new threads that reflect the healthier person you’re becoming and make sure they fit just right with the tips below:

  1. Accentuate your natural shape. Every cut does not necessarily look great on every person, no matter how much you like the style on a mannequin. Though low-rise jeans may be a poor choice for anyone with a little extra weight around the middle, this doesn’t mean you need to cover yourself up in a tent-like muumuu. Find clothes that fit without being too tight and call attention away from your less-than-ideal areas.

  2. Consider color. Full-body black can have a slimming effect, but it can also make you look like a mime at a funeral. You can use the same concept in a more attractive way by dressing in shades of one color, like pairing blue jeans with a royal blue t-shirt. Remember: you don’t have to dress drab to look slim, but stay away from clothes with colors and details that draw attention to areas you’d rather draw the eye away from (i.e. eye-catching designs on the back pockets of jeans).

  3. Accessorize conservatively. Though a necklace that draws attention to your face can really help out your look, it might be overkill to add earrings, bracelets, bangles and belts to the equation. One strong accessory will have more impact than many competing for attention. The same is true of strong patterns—don’t distract from a flattering floral top with equally eye-grabbing patterned pants.

If you’re working your way to a healthier body with medical weight loss, you’ve probably dreamed of the day when you can finally wear clothes that fit well again. That day is today. You don’t have to wait for clothes to fit, and you shouldn’t—learning to find the right fit now can give you the self-esteem boost you need to reinforce your progress.

How else can we find clothes that fit properly while losing weight? Share your experiences, tips and questions with us in the comments below!

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